Colossians 1:28

"Him (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus"

Monday, November 8, 2010

South Tamilnadu Leaders Training

Teaching Conference at Srivilliputhur and Sawyerpuram at Tuticorin, South Tamilnadu. 

October 25th to November 5th  2010

We have traveled to Viruthu Nagar district, srivilliputhur for the inter denominational pastors and leaders. Lord has led us to teach every church leaders must look unto heavenly priest JESUS CHRIST, and our alter in Heaven, our salvation is from Heaven. Each place we taught in two days. Morning 10 am to evening 4 pm.

Every leaders were very much thankful to the LORD for this teachings of Christ. Our adaptation as son it is  to lead by the Holy Spirit. Our Glorious inheritance in Christ is heavenly.

We met a pastor Who is 106 year old, still healthy and strong in the Spirit. Every day he is walking into the villages and sharing the Gospel to everyone.

at Tuticorin, many lay leaders were attended  at the Holy Spirit conference. 

We are so grateful to our Lord and the people who are standing with us for the Gospel. 

Please pray for the ongoing leaders training in different parts of India. Truly we can see the remarkable work of the Holy Spirit in leaders lives.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Teaching the Leaders with Word of Christ


Many pastors and leaders were gathered at Namakkal, Thottiam and Thuraiyur and Kanchipuram in Tamilnadu state. Every place we have taught on the way of the Holy Spirit, new covenant leadership from the book of Hebrews. 

Every pastors were filled with the Holy Spirit and received the words of truth, it was life changing work of the spirit.

God has done a marvelous work in their hearts, every one of them committed to follow the Holy Ghost in Truth. Lord opened their eyes for the new realm of truth in the epistles how the churches ought to follow in the New Covenant.

We are so thankful the LORD who has blessed us with his word. God was bringing emphasis on the family of GOD, and his son-ship in CHRIST.

Spiritually Healthy pastors and leaders will reach out in community with the whole some Gospel of LORD. God is building a his kingdom with living stones with everlasting love.

We appreciate your prayers and supplication in the spirit for us. His eternal purposes will be fulfilled in his church.