Colossians 1:28

"Him (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Missions with NCBS Students at Northern India

Preparing the Next Generations of Leaders in the Body of Christ.





We are leaving to Gaya, Bihar state, and Ranchi at Jharkhand state in the north east of INDIA. These place is totally poor and very destitute people in the social and economy structure of the world.

From New Covenant Bible School there are 6 students from II year students were traveling to these places and teach and evangelize the place for 8 days. It would take us 3 days and 2 night by Indian Railways.

Our students are much eager and to see the cross cultural ministry and see the churches at Hindi speaking community of India. Also they are willing to learn the work of the Holy spirit as wells  the mission sacrifice work of the people who are already in the field work.

it is hard to explain when a person who lives in the southern Indian and to go North Indian places and share the Gospel in a different culture, language and ritual and paganism of the land.Every year from the Bible school training students were making this trip to expand their thinking as well as to obey the LORD's commission. 

Please pray for our ministry would reach and bring many people in to the Kingdom and they will be transformed by the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pastors training at Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh State

At the End of Jan 2011, we are invited to teach at the Vijayawada pastors and leaders training sections for 2 days. The Holy Spirit has revealed many things while were in the teaching sections.

He has given gifts to Men while he has ascended to heaven, ministry gifts and spiritual gifts.

It was two full days with forty leaders with 7 sections of teachings. Everyone of the ministers of the LORD rejoiced and renewed in their mind and challenged with the word of GOD.

Lord was bringing forth the truth in the manifestation of the gifts in the book of Acts, with many examples of the ministry operations. God was blessed us every day with new revelations.

At the Vijayawada city pastors and leaders were gathered from all over the Andra Pradesh with my friend pastor who is the overseer. Jesus is the LORD over the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit will follow those who are in ministry office.

The body of Christ has many members and they have a active call to work in the body to Glorify the Head who is the Christ. We are so thankful to the LORD who has sent us and brought forth the word of GOD to revive His church leaders.

Lord has given his great commission to us, Who are the people who would willing to go into the every village and towns in the remote place of Andra Pradesh state. We have been called to be a witness to the ends of the World.

Singing section of the Video, in Telugu language. Please pray for this precious ministers of GOD for they will do the work of the Gospel, Let their heart would be full of faith and wisdom, Also please pray for their families.