Colossians 1:28

"Him (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Graduation Day at New Covenant Bible School.

Our Annual graduation was held on the 06th March 2011 Sunday evening at our bible school. There are 7 students graduated from this year.

God has enabled us to teach and train 7 precious people this year from July 2010 till March 2011. There are 5 different teachers helped us to train this year students, we are so much thankful to the LORD who has lead us every step of the way.

Now they are ready to go out and do the work of the Gospel among the gentiles, few of the students had a vision to reach northern India to be missionaries. Few of the students had plans to start new house churches at villages around Madurai city. REMEMBER them in your prayers to yield good fruits for the LORD.

Many friends of the students gathered at the graduation and greeted the students and encouraged them to shine for the LORD in their lives.

Thanks be to God who always leads us in to triumph

Jesus said to them,  "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
(Mark 16:15)

"And they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by the signs that attended it".
 (Mark 16:20)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teaching Conference for Tribal leaders at Ranchi, Jharkhand state

After 5 days we have traveled to down south east of tribal area Jharkhand State. We hold the teaching conference at Ranchi.  We have invited particularly many tribal christian leaders from 100 to 200 kms south of Ranchi city for the training.

we hosted at Numkum Bazaar south extension of Ranchi city, around 95 pastors and leaders from various tribal Gospel workers were participated for 4 days.

 GOD really hand picked these precious people and brought us to hear the word of GOD from his oracle.

Every day we challenged the people with the word of GOD from the book of Acts that Who can reach the unreached tribal people of Jharkhand?
Also we have taught them How to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in their ministry life?

God really ministered to them and they were so thankful to the LORD who brought them to this conference. They are transformed by the word of GOD.

We glorify the LORD for he has done great things and he brought us to this level of teaching and train leaders for Christ,

People who helped us to put the conference for the LORD, still there are many people were involved in this for the sake of CHRIST.

LORD is glorified and his kingdom will increase every day. Please continue to pray for this on going teaching and training ministry at Northern India.

We thank GOD for his grace and unmerited favor on us for sending us for the work of the Gospel in to the unreached places.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ministry at Gaya, Bihar State

Finally the team of our students reached at Gaya after 3 days and 3 nights journey by trains. It is a miracle travel in all the tough situations.

We stayed at Kujabi village around 7 kms south of Gaya city in Bihar state, there is no basic needs at the village. We started to teach the word of GOD for young believers for 4 days, separate classes for the children.

We started off with strong prayers for this land to be touched and reached by the LORD and we are trusting GOD to move in this Land according to book of Acts. God really moved in the people's heart and we have seen the touch of the LORD by the Holy Spirit in the first day.

Even though the people were not able to read and write but every one is open to hear the Holy Spirit voice and the word of GOD. It really spoke in to their hearts.

My bible school team helped me in all ways, prayers, travel and all practical help in the teaching seminar at the village church people.

First Day I shared from the word that LORD dwells in the body and our body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, and He changes us our inner man by What Christ has done on the Cross. Then he sends us out to be a strong witness unto Him in our community.

It was great to see the people listen to the Word in the spirit, I was so thankful that He is using our earthly vessels to share his Heavenly glory. It is marvelous his ways the LORD who did this.

Local pastor who helped us, put together a huge tent 100X40 for 4 days in the fields of Cali flower at the Kujabi village at Bihar.  Around 320 people gathered there everyday morning 8 am to 5:30 pm.

Second day we shared the Discipleship and going out to reach the people to obey the great commission of the LORD, also be filled with the Holy spirit so that he will make you strong witness. Young and old were received the WORD very eagerly. Every evening we prayed for many sick people and people with pain, GOD healed them all.

On the 2nd and 3rd days we ministered on the Gospel is the power of GOD and Lord is building His church regardless of the situation in this world. Jesus is the Head of the Church according to Ephesians Chapter 1 and Colossians Chapter 1

Every believers were so much overwhelmed at the word of GOD and there is a joy in the holy Spirit in evening meetings.

We thank you for your prayers and partnership in the LORD for reaching out to the remote parts of the India. Truly Every believers and leaders from the villages were blessed and revived by the Holy Spirit and in the word of GOD.

Life in Bihar every day is tough and miserable, People are really living in poverty and lack.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Missions with NCBS Students at Northern India

Preparing the Next Generations of Leaders in the Body of Christ.





We are leaving to Gaya, Bihar state, and Ranchi at Jharkhand state in the north east of INDIA. These place is totally poor and very destitute people in the social and economy structure of the world.

From New Covenant Bible School there are 6 students from II year students were traveling to these places and teach and evangelize the place for 8 days. It would take us 3 days and 2 night by Indian Railways.

Our students are much eager and to see the cross cultural ministry and see the churches at Hindi speaking community of India. Also they are willing to learn the work of the Holy spirit as wells  the mission sacrifice work of the people who are already in the field work.

it is hard to explain when a person who lives in the southern Indian and to go North Indian places and share the Gospel in a different culture, language and ritual and paganism of the land.Every year from the Bible school training students were making this trip to expand their thinking as well as to obey the LORD's commission. 

Please pray for our ministry would reach and bring many people in to the Kingdom and they will be transformed by the Holy Spirit

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pastors training at Vijayawada, Andra Pradesh State

At the End of Jan 2011, we are invited to teach at the Vijayawada pastors and leaders training sections for 2 days. The Holy Spirit has revealed many things while were in the teaching sections.

He has given gifts to Men while he has ascended to heaven, ministry gifts and spiritual gifts.

It was two full days with forty leaders with 7 sections of teachings. Everyone of the ministers of the LORD rejoiced and renewed in their mind and challenged with the word of GOD.

Lord was bringing forth the truth in the manifestation of the gifts in the book of Acts, with many examples of the ministry operations. God was blessed us every day with new revelations.

At the Vijayawada city pastors and leaders were gathered from all over the Andra Pradesh with my friend pastor who is the overseer. Jesus is the LORD over the ministry and gifts of the Holy Spirit will follow those who are in ministry office.

The body of Christ has many members and they have a active call to work in the body to Glorify the Head who is the Christ. We are so thankful to the LORD who has sent us and brought forth the word of GOD to revive His church leaders.

Lord has given his great commission to us, Who are the people who would willing to go into the every village and towns in the remote place of Andra Pradesh state. We have been called to be a witness to the ends of the World.

Singing section of the Video, in Telugu language. Please pray for this precious ministers of GOD for they will do the work of the Gospel, Let their heart would be full of faith and wisdom, Also please pray for their families.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why missions and reaching out in Asia?

Matthew 28:18-19
  "And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age".

He has commissioned us to go and share the good news to every creature on this earth.

Another promise he has given to us in Acts 1:8, 

"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sama'ria and to the end of the earth."

Lord has given us the greatest responsibility to the church to Go, and make disciples and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. 

You shall be my witnesses to the end of the earth.

Again the LORD has said in Matthew 5:13 & 14,

"You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid.

There is solid evidence and faith on the scripture makes us to go and the love of God constrains us to give the good news to every one.

We believe and read in the book of acts that apostles and disciples in the early churches proclaimed the good news to every race and people groups.

II Corinthians 4:6 & 7  apostle Paul says,

For it is the God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us.

Every time we read the word it urges us and compels us to obey Him with love. Also it shows us the reality of people perishing around us every day with out a proper direct to the eternity.

There is no great joy than to do the will of GOD on earth. This is the great reason to go in to the mission and unreached parts of Asia.

Missions across Asia is not a challenge or just doing ministry, But in reality it is the obedience of life time. Jesus never said any short cut or quick fix for this generation but instead he asked us to follow Him with whole heartedly without any doubt. He is out maker and creator, He knows the very best for everyone of us.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Living conditions in Asia

Unless the LORD sends people or called the people to work here, No one cannot exist in this places. This is the truth from the history. Since the 1706 the missionaries from Europe, every one of them suffered and faced tough challenges and died for their faith here in this land.

No one can get a good clean water or clean air or proper place to stay here. Cities and suburbs will breed the all kind of diseases. Every place you walk and live you never imagine the tough pollution around us.

Only Lord Jesus can protect you with supernatural covering and he can only give you the great immune system in your body. When you think of Asia inland mission have a determination from the LORD, take every day by faith and full of adventure, socially, spiritually and environmentally it is not going to be smooth and fine.

On April midday desert sand storm at Jaipur city roads at Rajasthan

The best sweet shop at the city, made by cow milk and fat.

Drinking Water at the Road side, People hide in the hurt and give you water to Drink - (Drink by faith)

Common Transport in the city roads, By Rickshaws 

We welcome every missionaries who wants to preach the Gospel to this diversity of people and culture, Still Jesus loves them.

Real people, real lives who lived in the time of first century can experienced the same conditions like here. Simply the bible times of living with no modern facilities in this land.

All night children sleep on the floor in every home in Gaya, Bihar State.

Sharing the Good news is not only the love of GOD but everyone need to understand that who is our GOD? How he does things for every human? and How he showed us the way to live everyday life? Mission work does not end with preaching the Gospel alone but beyond that Let Christ live in them continually is a real challenge for them.

At one of the kitchen in the village night 11pm dinner time at Bihar State.

Another common transport to every villages by a small van it can carry 25 people with no safety features.