Colossians 1:28

"Him (Christ) we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Teaching Conference for Tribal leaders at Ranchi, Jharkhand state

After 5 days we have traveled to down south east of tribal area Jharkhand State. We hold the teaching conference at Ranchi.  We have invited particularly many tribal christian leaders from 100 to 200 kms south of Ranchi city for the training.

we hosted at Numkum Bazaar south extension of Ranchi city, around 95 pastors and leaders from various tribal Gospel workers were participated for 4 days.

 GOD really hand picked these precious people and brought us to hear the word of GOD from his oracle.

Every day we challenged the people with the word of GOD from the book of Acts that Who can reach the unreached tribal people of Jharkhand?
Also we have taught them How to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in their ministry life?

God really ministered to them and they were so thankful to the LORD who brought them to this conference. They are transformed by the word of GOD.

We glorify the LORD for he has done great things and he brought us to this level of teaching and train leaders for Christ,

People who helped us to put the conference for the LORD, still there are many people were involved in this for the sake of CHRIST.

LORD is glorified and his kingdom will increase every day. Please continue to pray for this on going teaching and training ministry at Northern India.

We thank GOD for his grace and unmerited favor on us for sending us for the work of the Gospel in to the unreached places.

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